Welcome Back
The title is mostly what I am telling myself, as it has been too long since I last wrote in a blog…or last time I wrote any of my thoughts down. My blogs in the past related to my college experiences or just incessant whining about the trivial – all boiling down to a remedy of being more faithful in the journey.
Current checkpoint: Married for almost 9.5 years. We have two children (5 yr. old daughter and a 5 mo. old son) that teach us so much everyday in the realm of patience and behavior modeling. I have been teaching for two years as a middle school math teacher in a small school district that is almost too long of a commute most days, with a few too long of commute days peppered throughout. I have the intention to write a reflection post soon regarding this last year of teaching. It will be a quick digest form because it would have been more beneficial to write about those days in the moment – but time is precious.
Current long term goals: Work on my masters in some form of instructional design – this is long term because there are many factors that will determine when this can be achieved, such as the financing piece. I’m still paying for the undergraduate leg of my post-secondary journey.
Short terms goals that might be long term, but getting closer to short term….: House. We have a home, but we have been in this rental for almost five years and we have acquired more stuff, plus a kid, plus the stuff that comes with the second kid… and we are at the point where we need to find a bigger place to accommodate all the aforementioned stuff/humans. Then the cost effectiveness of renting a larger place at a higher rate than the potentially smaller monthly rate of a mortgage payment. It might not be less, but at least some of it is going towards the principal of a home ownership investment as opposed to paying the principal for someone else’s investment/hobby/addiction/who knows. I need to find out how long the long term could be.
Short term goals: gain Special Education certification. gain EC-6 certification, revive this blog, refinish some of our sad 10+ year old furniture because I need to sense that we have some changes coming our way in regards to our living situation.
The goals can seem daunting – but as I tell my students in regards to math struggles and what I have been told in regards to our financial situation…you can eat an elephant…one forkful at a time*
*Disclaimer: no elephants will be (directly) harmed in satisfying target goals